Apply for your scholarship today

We’ve made graduate scholarships easy! When you apply to Nichols, just check the box to let us know you’re interested and your student success coach will reach out to you for the rest.

Academic Achievement Scholarship – NGAAS

The academic achievement scholarship is designed to support the academic efforts and achievements of our graduate students. Students who have completed at least two sessions in their graduate academic program are invited to apply for the graduate academic achievement scholarship.


  • $2,500 per Academic Year
  • Non-renewable award of $1,250 per recipient
  • 2 Awards Per Academic Year

Eligible Applicants

Non +1 applicants for Nichols College Graduate Degree Programs that have completed at least two sessions in their graduate academic program

Award Criteria

Academic achievements


Students should submit a 500-word statement of interest using the following prompt as a guide: How have you demonstrated academic achievement in your graduate program at Nichols? Highlighted Achievements can include academic excellence and academic improvement.

All applications should be emailed to

Master of Science in Organizational Leadership (MSOL) Servant Leadership Scholarship

The MSOL Servant Leader Scholarship is designed to support students who serve as stewards of leadership by actively engaging in efforts toward serving the greater good with their time, talent, and treasure.


  • $1,000 per Academic Year
  • Non-renewable award of $500 per recipient

Eligible Applicants

Non +1 applicants for the Master of Science in Organizational Leadership program. 

Award Criteria

  • Professional achievements
  • Demonstrated leadership


Students should submit a statement of interest using the following prompt: Please tell us something unique about yourself and why you feel you should be a recipient of a scholarship. This can include your motivations for seeking higher education; your identity; your proudest accomplishments; the impact you have in your community or at school; your personal and professional goals. What distinguishes you from other applicants? Is there anything vital you want to share?

All applications should be emailed to

Reach out to Learn More About Graduate Scholarships

Call or email us anytime to get the answers you need. Whether you’ve got questions about affordability, scheduling, work/life balance, or impact, we’ve been there and we’re ready to help.